
The split-apply-combine paradigm in R

Last night at the DC R Users meetup, which was our largest meetup to date, I gave an introductory presentation on data munging, and spent a bit of time on the split-apply-combine paradigm that I use almost daily in my work. I talked mainly about the packages plyr and doBy, which I use a lot now. David Smith posted a link on the Revolution blog to this article by Steve Miller, talking about the virtues of the data.

ggplot2 joy

I’ve been working on a long-term (25+yr) longitudinal study of rheumatoid arthritis with my boss. He just walked in and asked if I could create a plot showing the trajectory of pain scores over time for each subject, separated by educational level (4 groups). Having now worked with ggplot2 for a while, and learning more at the last two DC useR meetups, I realized that I could formulate this in ggplot very easily and in short order.